Apr 27, 2012

The process of the pearl

Which woman does not like pearls?  Whether worn in a necklace, rings, an earrings or bracelet. Pearls are one of the most desirable stones by women and admired by all. But before the final result is obtain, the pearl must go through a long process of waiting and preparation.

Pearls are formed inside a mollusk (oyster). For a pearl to be formed inside the oyster, a foreign body must enter the nucleus of the oyster.  A foreign body could be a parasite, a worm, or even sometimes a piercing attack that damages a body shell of the oyster. Whether the pearl is naturally occurring (without human intervention) or culture is required that a foreign body penetrating the oyster. After this body or foreign agent enters the oyster, the mollusk forms a sac called "pearl sac" that is formed to protect the oyster from the agent that has invaded the oyster. For the emergence of a pearl from this sac it requires 4 or more years and that the oyster either from fresh or salt water stay in their natural habitat. After this long process, the result is an unpolished pearl. The next step is to wash and polish the pearl until obtain a bright and beauty pearl. After the painful process the peal is ready to be display and show the beauty and value of it.

After reading all this, it came to me one though, you and I are pearls in the hands of God, and we must know that we go to a similar process in our life.

1. A foreign agent at our core. This agent can be a illness, an economy situation, negative situations in our families. Remember that this agent may be a worm, a parasite or an attack of a body piercer, and come into our lives unexpected to attack us, creating in us   discouragement. Remember that God is in control of our lives and everything that happens to us is part of a process from God, to extract from us the man and woman inside us, that we only meet when we are out of our comfort and affected by some adversity. All that happens around us work in our favor when we understand the process and the plan of God in our lives to bring us to the place He has for us.

a. Romans 8:28 "And we know that those who love God all things work together for good, that is, who according to his purpose"

b. 1 Corintios3: 13 "the work of each will be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because the fire will be revealed, and the work of each man is, the fire shall try."

2. The waiting time. The shell keeps the pearl sac at least 4 years, and even more, all the time the oyster is in its natural habitat. In this stage is when it seems like there is no exist to the problem and that you never will come out of the situation. The waiting period is where we are struggling looking for solutions to problems. But at this stage is where we learn to talk to God and depend on Him. This dependence grows by the intimate relationship that you have with God every day. It is through in this process when the weak become strong, where faith grows and learns to walk not by sight. When you take the word of God and do decrees in your favor. Here you see God in the midst of difficulties shows His power and glory and blessing. Just as he blessed the people of Israel in the process of the desert with manna, water, shade by day, columns of fire by night.  God gives you His provision s in the process of waiting.  This makes your faith grow more and more every day.

3. Washing and polishing. In this step the oyster is removed from its natural environment to be washed and polished to full brightness. In this stage God moves you from your comfort, place, and position.  This disturbs in your life make you uncomfortable and will polished your personality, to bring the new you out. As Remember, The Father, the Creator God know who you are and.  So God must wash and polish you through uncomfortable situation that you have to face. And what is left after this stage is you free of disturbance and impurity and the brightness of God shine on us. God took you out from natural place to make men and women developed at the level that God wanted. God took Moses to the desert palace for 40 years, Abraham had to leave his family, Jacob fled from his home, Joseph was sold by his brothers after a long process to become the governor of Egypt, Queen Esther, taken from her family environment and taken to the palace of the king.  Became a queen that later saved her people. The same way God made you and me today, go through difficult situation making us uncomfortable so we can become brave men and women man to become  excellence administrator of His Kingdom here on earth.

4. The final process. In the final process the pearl become the jewelry that will make a necklace, bracelet, ring, earrings,  The same ways God takes you in his hands and gives you the final shape, courageous thinking with a mind  as a citizen of God kingdom.  You will shine with the light of God. God as a father will be proud of you, because He knows that He can count on you. Living close to God and reading His words, that will make you understand  God's plans for you are the best for you. the process was long and strong but worth it.” As I said unto the people of Israel through the prophet Jeremiah” 29:

10 for thus saith the Lord: When in Babylon seventy years are fulfilled, I will visit you, and wake up to you my promise to bring you back to this place.
11 For I know the plans I have for you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
12 And call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen;
13 and you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.
14 And I will be found by you, says the Lord, and bring back your captivity, and gather you from all nations and of all places whither I have driven you, saith the Lord: and I will get back to where I sent you into

We have the best example Jesus, He went through His process so that today you and have salvation, redemption, eternal life through His blood. And today Jesus is seated next to the Father.

1 Peter 2:4 Draw near to him, the living stone rejected by men but to God is a cornerstone chosen and precious "

Today you  may not understand,  but God is in control put your eyes on Jesus, let His  hands  take you through the process. And remember that everything we can through Christ who strengthens us love.

God Bless you


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